Tuesday Night Dinner
At our events, we love to feed folks and look for chances to enjoy the flavor of the city too (just wait till you see our snacks). This year, we’re bringing back small group dinners around the city for our Tuesday evening meal. These dinners are inspired by AdaCamp, and we’re excited to share them with you!
So what’s this all about? We will make reservations at restaurants around town, with a mix of cuisine types and locations. Sign up now for a spot at dinner! The reservations will be for 8-10 people, so you’ll be able to get to know a smaller group of folks a little bit better.
What time does dinner start?
Most reservations will start at 7:30pm and should finish around 9-10pm. Please aim to be 15 minutes early; most restaurants will not seat the party until everyone has arrived, and may cancel the reservation if not everyone has arrived by 15-30 minutes past the reservation time. (We’re planning to have one reservation start slightly later at 8:30pm for any folks who want to check out the NLGJA Philadelphia meetup that evening.)
Who is paying for dinner?
Why thank you for asking! We are inviting attendees to host an individual dinner and cover the cost for everyone at that table (or ask if your company can). Sound of interest? Email us. It’s a low-key way for a company to support a great community event. It’s also a great way to build some skills asking for funds, which may come in handy for your own future projects.
We’ll keep track of host signups and ensure that every dinner is covered by either a host or OpenNews. We will cover your meals and any non-alcoholic drinks, but if you would like to purchase alcohol you will be able to purchase it from the restaurant directly.
How can I be part of a dinner?
Look at the sign-up sheet, find a dinner with an unfilled attendee slot, and enter your name. You’re set.
Can I help host a dinner?
That’d be wonderful! We put together a doc with some details about hosting a dinner (either as part of sponsorsing a dinner or just hosting).
Can I go to a restaurant not on the list?
Your time is your own, but these reservations will be the only ones that OpenNews covers. If you’d like to organize other dinners or events for the rest of SRCCON:LEAD, you could coordinate with other attendees via #srcconlead.
Can I bring a friend or partner to dinner?
If there’s space, feel free to sign up a +1 (kiddos are included, we’d love to have them join, just make sure they get an RSVP slot). If you have more than a +1, please email us and we’ll see if we can add another restaurant option to accommodate more folks!
I want to go to a dinner, but there’s already 10 people signed up! Can I still go to it?
Please choose another dinner. Groups of above 10 people get unwieldy and make it hard to get to know everyone.
I want specific people to come to a dinner with me, but there’s not enough slots left for us all!
Please choose a dinner with more slots or let us know and we’ll see if we can add another spot.
When I arrive at the restaurant, what reservation do I ask for?
Reservations are mostly under the name of someone from the OpenNews team (Erik Westra, Erika Owens, Ryan Pitts). Check the field in the dinner document to confirm yours.
How do I get to the restaurant?
The address of each restaurant is in the spreadsheet, along with suggested ways to get there. Check the SRCCON:LEAD website for information on public transit, cabs, etc.
Thanks again to AdaCamp for this resource, which was adapted under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.